This Week at Blackcreek Nursery
Visit Us Wednesday - Saturday for special plant savings! We're clearing out older fruit trees and shade trees to make room for new spring inventory!
Take 30% off 2024 Apples, Pears, Olive Trees, White Crape Myrtles & Shade Trees like Elm, River Birch, Holly, Oaks and Pecans.
We have limited quantities on most of our items so get them while they're here!
We had some pretty extensive damage from the winter storm. Our 9000 square foot shade house that we use to protect our plants from the summer sun collapsed under the weight of the snow and ice. We have worked hard to get it removed and to check the plants that were under it.
Many of the perennials did ok although we did lose some. 1 Gallon Camellias and Tea Plants were broken battered and bruised, but many will be fine with some TLC. All of our larger Camelias and other plants we stuffed into every nook and cranny of the greenhouses and they all came out just fine. Some shrubbery took a hard hit, but all is recoverable.
Please be patient with us as we recover from the damage and understand why our inventory is limited for now. We will be restocking in a few weeks. The entire nursery industry took a hard hit this last year from not only the winter storm, but from the hurricanes that left many of them devasted.
We appreciate your support of our small business!
Visit Us! Open Wednesday thru Saturday 9am-4pm