With March coming in, you can expect spring to follow if it hasn't already in the south. There is quite a lot going on in the garden in March and it's not too soon to start some pretty important tasks... Read on!
Camellia blooms still last through March and even though some varieties have finished, some are just getting started. You can safely plant Camellias in the south through May.
The BEST time to plant Camellias is October-March. Our Camellia season starts in October - that's when you get your biggest and best. Camellias bloom at different times so visiting often will let you see what's in bloom in each season.
Pruning Camellias is best done after they bloom but since all Camellias bloom at different times, you can safely do it before the plant starts putting on new growth - ths's usually in February or early March. Camellias do not have to be pruned if they are planted in the right spot. If you do have the need to prune your Camellias, you can do that in March or early April.
Freezes In Spring
Spring can be early and so are our spirits. The weather is warm and we are just itching to get out and get stuff planted. Before you go out and plant bunches of tender plants, consider Mother Nature's ugly sting. It is not uncommon in the south for us to have two springs. One early, then a freeze then another spring. If it looks like you're going to have another cold blast, be prepared to protect tender perennials and shrubs that are just showing new growth if a spring freeze comes our way.
Fertilizing In March
Don't be too quick to add fertilizer in early March. It's best to wait and do it after St. Patricks Day or even into early April. If you're using organics such as Espoma's 'tone' products, go ahead, it's fine to use that any time in March.
Planting In March
March is an excellent time to plant most shrubs and trees. Perennials may need to wait until the end of March or the first of April. We have lots of great plants including Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Shade Trees, Camellias, and Tea Plants available for you this spring!
Mulch Mulch Mulch
March is an excellent time to replenish mulch in your beds. Applying a 2-3" layer of mulch around shrubs, trees, annuals, and perennials can help with weeds, moisture loss, and high temperatures. Organic mulch like leaves, bark, and straw is recommended. Did you know you can mulch your containers? Yes, you can! Adding bark chips to your container plants is an excellent way of keeping them cool, moist, and weed-free!
Plant Availability of Bedding Plants & Perennials at Blackcreek
We are small growers and what we don't grow ourselves, comes from other small growers. Just because spring may be early, doesn't mean that the plants will grow for us and other small growers any quicker. Most perennials, bedding/annuals, and even some veggies won't be ready until late March or early April.
March is an excellent time for pruning most shrubs. Word of caution to hydrangeas. Pannicle hydrangeas bloom on new wood, so it's ok to prune those. But the old traditional hydrangeas will bloom this summer on growth from last year, so keep pruning on those until after they bloom.
Chemicals in the Garden
March is the time to consider garden insects and disease issues that you will have now and for the next few months. The need to use chemicals in our gardens is something that we just can't get away from. However, there are many alternatives to harsh chemicals that can hurt pollinators. If you must use chemicals, always read the label and use the product as specified.
Know What Your Issue Is
Before you grab the chemical bottle, you need to know what your issue is. The most important part of any chemical application is to know exactly what you're treating for. Don't guess and apply a chemical needlessly. We are always available by text, email or just dropping by and we are more than happy to help you figure out what your garden problems are.
Safe Insecticides
Note For Bees and Pollinators: Just because it's 'organic' doesn't mean it's always safe to use. Some organics can harm beneficial insects when it's not used properly or at times when the pollinators are active. Always read the label for any product you are using.
Neem Oil works very well for controlling most insects including Mites, scales, Aphids, and many other insects. Did you know that Neem Oil is also a great fungicide and can help protect plants from many types of fungi?
Organic Castile Soap makes an excellent spray and can work wonders on some soft-bodied pests. Mix 1-2 tablespoons in a quart of water and put in a spray bottle or tank.
Espoma Earth Tone Insectide Soap is organic and is formulated for many insects. It is available online or at local garden stores.
Weed Control
Our go-to for organic weed control is a product called Avenger. It's made with orange oil and has excellent weed-killing abilities without hurting our pollinators. There are many organic weed products available that are cost-effective if you're using them in a small area. Keeping a 2-3" layer of mulch will help with weed control.
Be Careful with Home-Made Vinegar and Salt Solutions:
Vinegar works well to control some undesirable plants and weeds, but household vinegar is 5% while some horticultural vinegar is about 20-30% and is recommended for better weed control. On the flip side, vinegar is non-selective and will damage or kill anything it touches. Vinegar may change the soil pH making it unsuitable for some plants.
The use of salt is not recommended in any weed control without careful thought of what it can do. Salt, when entering the soil, can take care of weeds but it is non-selective and will stay in the soil and possibly leach into desirable areas causing salt damage to desirable plants.
Keep in mind that some non-organic and also some organic weed killers can harm beneficial insects & pollinators. Know the chemical before you use it.
Blackcreek Nursery & Garden is a family-owned small business located in southern Bulloch County on the corner of Hwy 80 and 119 N. We are a short drive from Bryan, Bulloch, Effingham, and Chatham counties. We are first and foremost 'plant growers'. While we do broker some of the plants you find in our nursery, many are grown from babies until they are ready to go to your garden.