I would much rather have bees in the garden than bees in my bonnet!
Fall brings an abundance of bees to the garden with all of the Camellia sasanqua and Camellia sinensis in full swing. For those who are allergic to bees, you may want to be careful, but for the rest of us, they are really very docile during this time. They are so busy collecting pollen that they don't think much about anything else. The great thing about bees and Camellias is that all that running around they are doing is pollinating the camellias and spreading the love! Who knows what kind of treasures await the seedlings from those plants!
Don't Harm the Bees....
What we don't want to do is cause them any harm. So while your plants are in bloom you should exercise extreme caution in applying any type of insecticides that could harm the bees. This includes topical and systemic insecticides. There is not really anything that has to be done to your camellias in the way of chemicals that won't wait until blooming is over.